I have seen countless pictures of these entities before ever meeting my Kippens missus.
They're thicker in person than I expect.
She decides she wants a videogame lesson.
I ask several times if she is sure about this. I do the same thing the first time I have sex with a person. Consent is very important in this workaday world.
I am a remarkable nerd, I warn her.
Any guy would say this.
She assumes that I am embarassed and am therefore cushioning before we start.
I sense this.
I am not embarassed. My nerdiness is tantamount. Most guys buy Halo and Grand Theft Auto. I know the current stock particulars for Capcom (five-year high). I know where development studios are located. I know who Hideo Kojima is. Video game money paid for those nice frames he's wearing.
To be fair, I did want to write on this stuff for a living.
Which isn't a defense so much as it is further evidence...
She does not want to see this. She merely does not realize it. But I do.
This is her holding the 360 controller:She wonders if I want to play video games with her. Perhaps I don't, she muses.
Yeah right.
I tell her that I am not about to pass up an oppurunity to sit around with a female and play video games.
They don't line up at your door on Saturdays, know what I mean?
I play the demo for EA's skate. This game is going to be remarkable.
I get into detail about the intricacies of the game and what it is that makes it brilliant.
I soon say, "I'm not sure videogames are such a good idea."
She immediately agrees.
We (I) stop playing.
We do not mention the event again.

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