Saturday, September 22, 2007

Participation Points

I have a discussion class . It is Friday. It is sunny.
Thursday night. I desperately want to play video games and smoke drugs. But not until 'I read this article'. Trace Italliene. It's a style of fortification. The dutch perfected it. By copying the Spanish.
We're back. It's Friday. It is a discussion class. I am prepared. I have taken notes. I am proud of myself for being such an astute student.
The professor asks what the article is all about.
A student (an actual student) unloads a synopsis that sounds entirely unfamiliar.
Because I have read the wrong article.
Because sometimes, just sometimes, I am Paul Warford.
I am back in school.
The kicker is that I managed to make a comment before the class was over.
I am the Guerrilla terrorist of unprepared procrastinators.


Amanda said...

Didn't you once ace a Perrins book test on a book you did not read? You are a skilled bullshitter, my dear.

acadiascreech said...

And he knew, too! That was the funny part. I told him the day before the exam that I hadn't read it.
He in fact asked me. He just assumed.
I still tell that story.
You were there.

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