Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I am in a library. A large one.
I was late this morning. When a procrastinator shares a car, it is a considerable deterrent from even bothering to try.
I snooze. My cell phone has a five minute snooze. This is an insufficient amount of time.
Ideally, you want your snooze to be between 8 and 12 minutes. Less than that and you feel unfilfilled. More than that and you are too asleep. Dreams start to surface and take shape, and you'll just start to get into the plot. Of the dream.
I prepare myself. I forget that I have to collect the car from the CONA parking lot. To reach this parking lot it takes ten minutes.
I do not have my backpack. I assume it is in the car which is in the parking lot (and the bog down in the valley-oh).
I begin walking. About three minutes.
I go back to get coffee change and nutrigrain bars.
I begin walking again.
CONA requires a much larger parking lot.
My backpack is not in the car.
So much for handing in that loan info today.
I have one pen. That's it.
I park where I'm not supposed to.
I remove from a bulletin board a posting some math tutor put up.
I write notes on the back of it.
I leave.
I remove the parking ticket from my windshield.
I park more discreetly.
I have awkward conversation with an ex-girlfriend friend.
I talk to Tracey and Aaron (he invented bluekaffee. He is smart).
I talk to Martin. I tell her that I need deoderant. She agrees that it is probably a good idea. Because I have no classroom friends yet.
I'm not really looking for them.
Hippies don't wear deoderant.
I buy coffee number two. I spill coffee over my hand.
Coffee is hot.
All men dress the same.
My sock choices make sense, really.

1 comment:

trac54 said...

Yup, out of all of the lovely pictures I have you decided to pick the very best one.

Also, I hate you.

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