Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Children's Song Was Written About It*

She uses my toothbrush and it is no big thing.
Germaphobia is a waste of time.
This occasion she uses her own. She just has to find it first. She retrieves it after much rummaging in her satchel. She presents it. A little triumphantly, if I'm remembering right. We all know how often that happens.
Her teeth are mesmerizingly white.
The toothbrush is loose at the bottom of the satchel.
I catch her just in time to pick the fuzzies from the bristles before she puts on the paste.
I am more charmed by this than anything else during her visit.
We brush together.
We push and shove and fuck around. She has toothpaste on her shirt before we finish. She wets it and says, "Toothpaste comes out as long as you get water on it right away."
She rinses.
She has wet spots polka-dotting her shirt.
I repress.

*can anyone tell me who wrote the song? it's killing me. 'I brush my teeth/che-che-che-che' (these are the brushing noises. you make them while doing the tooth brushing motions). they say you're supposed to brush in circles. otherwise you're wasting your time.


trac54 said...

"Up and down and round and round
I brush my teeth to keep them sound;
To keep them sound and clean and white
I brush them morning, noon and night."

I sing this one?
I doubt it's it though

acadiascreech said...

that is not it.
sounds catchy, though.

Turnip said...

Either Raffi or Eric Neigler, of Sharon, Lois and Bram

"When you wake up in the morning and it's quarter to one, and you feel like having, having some fun, you brush your teeth, ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch, you brush your teeth, etc..."

I also know that Barney does a cover of it.
Maybe Fred Penner.
He WOULD, the fucker.

trac54 said...

I love all of them.
But who's Eric Neigler?

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